Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)


Location: 34 Isabella Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 1N1
Hours: Tuesday to Thursday 6:30pm-9:00pm; Friday 1:00pm-5:00pm
Telephone: 416-777-2755
Website address:

The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA) is the largest independent LGBTQ+ archives, with a focus on Canadian content.  The Archives contains historical records, personal papers, unpublished documents, publications, audio-visual material, art, photographs, posters, and other artifacts.  The Archives also collects material such as buttons, board games, t-shirts, and banners.  In addition to the material in the Archives, the CLGA contains a reference library, rare book collection, and portrait collection.  Researchers are requested to contact the archives by email at least five business days before visiting, providing topic information.  The CLGA is open Tuesday to Thursday in the evenings, and Friday afternoons.

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