Les Archives gaies du Québec (A.G.Q.) (Montréal, Québec)


Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00am-3:00pm
Location: 201A-1000, rue Atateken, Montreal, QC, H2L 3K5
Contact: 514-287-9987; info@agq.ca
Access: Open to the Public; Appointments are preferable
Website: http://agq.qc.ca/

Les Archives gaies du Québec (A.G.Q.) houses an extensive collection of individual and organizational records highlighting the gay and lesbian communities of Québec. The collection includes 40m of textual records, 2000 posters, 40, 000 photos, 1000 periodicals, 500 thematic folders and 200 sound recordings.

Private papers include the collections of photographer Alan B. Stone, which are composed of 30, 000 negatives, 3000 slides, 1500 coloured photographs, 1500 contact sheets and other documents highlighting various communities and streets within Montréal, sporting events and other personal photos. Other notable collections include the records of journalist Bernard Courte (1980-), writer for Le Berdache, a review of  l’Association pour les droits des gais et lesbiennes du Québec (ADGLQ), Douglas Buckley-Couvrette (1990-), a prominent figure in the gay and lesbian movement in Montréal and HIV/AIDS epidemic, Ken Morrison (1985-), an activist who was involved in various international AIDS campaigns and conferences, professor Viviane Namaste of l’Institut Simone de Beauvoir, Université Concordia, writer Marcel F. Raymond (1920-2008), who was also involved in AIDS organizations in Québec and writer and poet Jean Simoneau (1957-2005).

The Archives also houses records of local organizations, including the collections of l’Androgyne (1975-1982), the first gay and lesbian library in Montréal. Other notable records include the Collection FLH (Front de libération homosexuel) (1972-), the first openly gay and lesbian movement in Montréal, Fonds ADGQ (1977-) (L’Association pour les Droits des gais au Québec, ADGLQ — Association pour les Droits des gais et des lesbiennes du Québec), highlighting the organization’s concern for sex education and social services for gays and lesbians, Fonds CCGLM (1988-) (Le Centre communautaire des gais et lesbiennes de Montréal), an organization that focuses on gay and lesbian rights, youth and HIV/AIDS, Fonds Les Prédateurs, La Coalition et du RAGLAM, Naches, the first Jewish group in Montréal, GHAP (Groupe homosexuel d’action politique) (1975-1975), GMA (Gay Montréal Association-Association homophone de Montréal) (1973-1975), Integrity, a gay Anglican group (1975-1980) and La ville en rose, a gay and lesbian colloquium held at UQAM in 1992.

The Archives also incorporates various online records including a photo album collection of photos of various events and activities held by the Archives. In addition, their Histoires de nos vies collection of historical documents and timelines includes records such as Le club du docteur Geoffrion 1908, Que sont les lesbiennes devenues? 1980 à 2006, Un quartier pour qui? L’essor du village gai, Le sexe, la mort et l’espoir – Les 25 ans du VIH/SIDA, Lesbiennes s’organisent, 1970 à 1980, Répression et droits civiques, 1977, Front de libération homosexuel (F.L.H.), 1970, La culture physique, 1947 à 1970, Moralité et mascarade, 1950, Montréal la nuit, 1920 à 1955, Les femmes et la guerre, 1942, Les mouches fantastiques, 1917, De l’île Sainte-Hélène à Saint-Jean, 1891-1892, L’association nocturne, 1886, Les apprentis, 1839, Jonathas et David ou le triomphe de l’amitié, 1776 and Un tambour et trois soldats, 1648 et 1691. 

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