Biographical Dictionaries and Additional Resources

Biographical Dictionaries: The Western World

  • Beckford, Geraldine Rhodes, Biographical Dictionary of American Physicians of African Ancestry, 1800–1920, Cherry Hill, NJ: Africana Homestead Legacy Publishers, Inc., 2011.
  • Biographical Dictionary of Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong, 1841–1941 (includes Western and Chinese practitioners)
  • Bullough, Vern L., American Nursing: A Biographical Dictionary, New York: Garland, 2000.
  • Bynum, W.F., and Bynum, Helen, Dictionary of Medical Biography, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006.
  • Dupont, Michel, Dictionnaire historique des médecins dans et hors de la médecine, Paris: Larousse Bordas, 1999.
  • Fox, Daniel M., et al., Nobel Laureates in Medicine or Physiology: A Biographical Dictionary, New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1990.
  • Lee, H.S.J., The Medical Millennium: 1000 Pioneers Who Have Contributed to the Development of Medicine over the Last 1000 Years, New York: Pantheon Publishing Group, 2000.
  • Lindeboom, Dutch Medical Biography: A Biographical Dictionary of Dutch Physicians and Surgeons, 1475–1975, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1984.
  • O’Connor, W.J., British Physiologists, 1885–1914: A Biographical Dictionary, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991.
  • Ogilvie, Marilyn, Harvey, Joy, and Rossiter, Margaret, The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: Pioneering Lives from Ancient Times to the Mid-20th Century, New York: Routledge, 2000.
  • Scrivener, Laurie and Barnes, Suzanne J., A Biographical Dictionary of Women Healers: Midwives, Nurses, and Physicians, Westport, Conn.: Oryx Press, 2002.
  • Who Named It? A Biographical Dictionary of Medical Eponyms (each entry includes a description and bibliography)

Additional Online Secondary Sources: Canada

Digital Collections: General

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