Archival Guides & Catalogues

Canadian Archival Guides & Catalogues

  • Connor, J.T.H., and Connor, Jennifer J., “Medical and Related Museums, Historic Sites, and Exhibits in Ontario: An Annotated Guide and Review,”Canadian Bulletin of Medical History / Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine8 (1991), 101–120.
  • Craig, Barbara L., “A Guide to Historical Records in Hospitals in London, England and Ontario, Canada, c. 1800–1950,” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History8 (1991), 263–388, and 9 (1992), 7–142.
  • Dunn, M. Margaret,A Directory of Medical Archives in Ontario, Toronto: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, 1983.
  • Gray, Carolyn, Historical Records of the City of Hamilton, 1847–1973, Hamilton, Ont.: 1986.
  • Mychajlunow, Lorraine, and Richardson, Sharon,Directory of Nursing Archival Resources in Alberta, Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1996.


European & American Archival Guides & Catalogues

  • Kidd, John, Catalogue of the Works in Medicine and Natural History Contained in the Radcliffe Library, Oxford: S. Collingwood, 1835.
  • Ritché, Sophie, Des hôpitaux à Paris: Etat des fonds des archives de l’AP-HP, XIVeXXe siècle, Paris, 2000. 
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