Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives (Winnipeg, Manitoba)


Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Location: University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections, 330 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA R3T 2N2
Contact: 204-474-9986;
Access: Open to the Public

The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives is an extensive collection (1948-2003) within the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections located on the University of Manitoba campus. The archival collection contains administrative history of The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives as well as materials on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit and Queer history including Gay/Lesbian Life, Lifestyles & Concerns, … »Literature & Language, Visual & Performing Arts, History & Gay/Lesbian Liberation Movement, Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences, Philosophy & Religion, Physical & Natural Sciences and AIDS-Related Information. It also includes an extensive moving image and sound collection, including oral histories and episodes of the cable access program “Coming Out.”

The Manitoba Gay and Lesbian Archives also contains several significant collections of local organizations including the Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Resource Centre (1983-1999), Project Lambda Inc. (1978-1988), an apolitical agency whose objectives were to promote public understanding and acceptance of homosexuality in Manitoba, Winnipeg Gay Media Collective (1980-1993), 97 audio recordings of the Gay Christian Forum/Gaysweek (1978-1979) CJUM FM radio program and records from the Council on Homosexuality and Religion (1976-1990). Also significant is the Manitoba Gay/Lesbian Oral History Project (1983-1999), which includes 33 audio tapes, stories, recorded interviews and correspondence that took place within the Manitoban local community entitled “Lesbians and Gays in Manitoba: The Development of a Minority.

Notable online digital collections include images related to gay liberation, gay pride, safe sex practices, AIDS, the Village Clinic, gay clubs, gay bars, the National Gay Conference (1975), fundraising, community centres, gay and human rights, homophobic violence, homosexuality on television, homosexuality and radio, Council on Homosexuality and Religion, Winnipeg Gay Media Collective and Winnipeg Lesbian and Gay Film Society

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