Bibliographies in the History of Medicine & History of Health Care By Theme

Bibliographies in the History of Medicine & History of Health Care

Bibliographies in the History of Medicine & History of Health Care

  • General History of Medicine

    • Corsia, Pietro, and Weindling, Paul,Information Sources in the History of Science and Medicine, London: Butterworth Scientific, 1983.
    • Miller, Genevieve,Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada, 1939–1960, 2nd ed, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1964.
    • Morton, L.T., and Norman, Jeremy M.,Morton’s Medical Bibliography: An Annotated Checklist of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine, 5th ed., Aldershot: Scholar’s Press, 1991.
    • Pengelly, Eric T., and Pengelly, Daphne M.,A Traveler’s Guide to the History of Biology and Medicine, Davis, Calif.: Trevor Hill Press, 1986.

    • Medical Humanities Dissertations (bibliography of dissertations from the University of Pittsburgh; dissertations date from June 2001–present)
    • Oxford Bibliographies (includes bibliographies on history of medicine, science and medicine, military medicine, medical anthropology, contemporary philosophy of medicine, evidence-based medicine, alchemy, women in medicine, public health, and much, much more; browse by subject or search)
  • Canada

    • Goulet, Denis, and Paradis, André,Trois siècles d’histoire médicale au Québec: Chronologie des institutions et des pratiques (1639–1939), Montréal: VLB Editeur, 1992.
    • Hunter, Isabel, and Wotherspoon, Shelagh,A Bibliography of Health Care in Newfoundland, St John’s: Faculty of Medicine Memorial University, 1986.
    • Roland, Charles G.,Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine: A Bibliography, 2 vols, Vol. 1 Toronto: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, 1984; Vol 2, eds. J. Bernier and C.G. Roland, Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2000.
    • Roland, Charles G., and Potter, Paul,An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Medical Periodicals, Toronto: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine, 1979.


Specialized Bibliographies in the History of Medicine & History of Health Care

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