Research Grants from Government, Professional Associations, Academic Associations

Grants Offered by Associations & Government

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

    Fellowship in the History of American Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Location: Washington, DC
    Amount: $5,000
    Eligibility: must be member of ACOG, study history of OBGYN
    Website & application form: and–and–Gynecology

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists sponsors one $5,000.00 fellowship in the History of American Obstetrics and Gynecology each year.  Junior Fellows and Fellows are encouraged to apply.  Award monies will be used to cover travel and living expenses.  The recipient of the fellowship spends one month during the award year in the Washington DC area working full-time to complete their specific historical research project.  Although the fellowship will be based in the College History Library, the Fellow is encouraged to use other national, historical, and medical collections in the Washington DC area to supplement research done in the History Library and Resource Center.  The results of this research must be disseminated through either publication or presentation at a professional meeting.
  • American Killiam Trusts and Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, administered by Fullbright Canada

    Killam Fellowships Program
    Amount: US$5,000 per semester plus a health insurance allowance of US$500. Fellows may also apply for an in-country travel grant of up to US$800
    Eligibility: Undergraduate students, university-wide Website and Application Form:

    Description: The Killam Fellowships Program provides an opportunity for exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada to spend either one semester or a full academic year as an exchange student in the United States. Students may participate in the program either as a direct exchange student (registering at their home university, paying their home fees, and attending the host university as an exchange visitor) or as a self-placed visiting student (registering at the host university and paying host tuition fees). To be eligible for a Killiam Fellowship, students must be a Canadian citizen, be currently enrolled, and in good standing, as a full-time undergraduate student (BA, BSc or BAH) at a degree-granting institution in Canada (please note that professional degrees are normally not eligible); be expected to be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in good standing during the upcoming academic year; should he/she be selected for an award, be expected to receive an undergraduate degree in the Spring of that year, or beyond; meet the eligibility requirements and regulations of the home university; be proficient in English; have a superior academic record; be able to complete all steps of the application process prior to the published deadlines; and be nominated by the home university (in the instance of the direct exchange program).

  • American Osler Society

    William B. Bean Student Research Award
    Amount: $1,500
    Eligibility: MD Students in Canada or the United StatesDeadline: see William B. Bean Student Research Award webpage
    Website and Application Form:

     This award supports research in the broad areas of medical history and medical humanities. Candidates must be currently matriculated students in approved schools of medicine in the United States or Canada. The successful applicant may be eligible to present a paper based on his or her findings at the annual meeting of the American Osler Society (expenses paid).
  • Associated Medical Services Inc.

    Hannah Summer Studentship
    Amount: up to $5,500
    Eligibility: undergraduate students registered in a Canadian university
    Deadline: see Hannah Summer Studentship webpage
    Website and Application Form:

     This studentship is available to undergraduate students registered in a Canadian university for a closely supervised project in the history of medicine. The funds are provided by Associated Medical Services Inc. The studentship is being administered in partnership with the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) which is responsible for adjudicating the applications. It offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study and learn the techniques of historical research and to encourage future serious study of medical history. The grants support research in the history of health, disease, or medicine, broadly defined. The research can be from any geographical area or period. It does not need to be a Canadian topic. The project may form part of an honours thesis, major research paper, or an elective project. The proposed research must have a clearly defined timeline to demonstrate that it is of a size capable of completion during the three-month period of the studentship. The applicant must be registered in a recognized undergraduate program at a Canadian university at the time of application.

    AMS Project Grant
    Amount: up to $10,000
    Eligibility: Health professionals employed in Canada by a health care organization/ health authority/ provincial/ national government; researchers with an academic appointment at a Canadian university or affiliated research institution or holding an appointment (with research responsibilities) at an affiliated hospital/ research centre/ institute; or employed by an organization such as a professional organization, eg., CMA, CAN, MCC, or a health professions regulatory college located in Canada.Deadline: see the AMS Project Grant

    Website and Application Form:

     The AMS Project Grant is designed to support small budget proposals on projects in history of healthcare/disease and medicine. Such projects might include requests for seed money to develop research initiatives. Proposals are expected to advance an aspect of the history of health, health care or disease or the history of education of health professionals that could benefit the broader community of practitioners in the field. To be eligible for this grant, the principal investigator must meet one of the following requirements: be employed as a health professional in Canada by a health care organization/ health authority/ provincial/ national government; be a researcher with an academic appointment at a Canadian university or affiliated research institution or hold an appointment (with research responsibilities) at an affiliated hospital/ research centre/ institute; or be employed by an organization such as a professional organization, eg., CMA, CAN, MCC, or a health professions regulatory college located in Canada.  This grant is administered by Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation.

    AMS Postdoctoral Fellowship
    Amount: $45,000 stipend for one year plus $2,500 research and travel allowance
    Eligibility: Post-doctoral scholars

     see AMS Postdoctoral Fellowship webpage:
    Website and Application Form:

     The AMS Postdoctoral Fellowship provides support to a core of the most promising researchers at a pivotal time in their careers. Candidates should be embarking on a period of full time post-PhD degree studies and wish to add to their experience by engaging in research either in Canada or abroad. The fellowships are intended for emerging scholars to complete work already started on projects related to the history of health care, disease and/or medicine or the history of the education of health professionals, or to begin a new project in the field.  To be eligible for the fellowship, the principal investigator must: meet a minimum commitment of 75% of his/her time in the research fellowship role proposed in the application, identify a primary supervisor at the university where the applicant will be based during the fellowship, hold a PhD at the time of application or expect to complete all requirements of the degree prior to taking up the fellowship.  This grant is administered by Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation.

  • Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania

    The Alice Fisher Society Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing
    Location: Philadelphia, PA
    Amount: $5,000
    Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, faculty

    Website & application form: Alice Fisher Society Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing offers up to $5,000 to support research and ongoing collaboration with Center nurse historians.  The Fisher Fellowship is open to those with master’s and doctoral level preparation

    Karen Buhler-Wilkerson Faculty Research Fellowship
    Amount: up to $3,000
    Eligibility: University or college faculty from all disciplines
    Deadline: See website.
    Website and Application Form:

     This fellowship provides support to faculty from all disciplines from colleges and universities, based on evidence of preparation and/or productivity in historical research and/or teaching related to nursing. Scholars are expected to present the findings of their work at the Center’s seminar series and in the Chronicle newsletter.

  • Canadian Association for the History of Nursing
    Dr. Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship
    Amount: variable
    Eligibility: Graduate students studying the history of nursing (preference given to Canadian nursing history)
    Website and Application Form:

     This scholarship is for graduate students (Masters or PhD level) studying in the field of nursing history. Preference will be given to candidates studying Canadian nursing history. Students must be enrolled at a recognized centre for the study of the history of nursing in Canada or the United States, or in a university department of history or women’s studies, or with a recognized Canadian nurse historian.

    Vera Roberts Endowment Fund for Nursing Research
    Amount: $3,000-5,000
    Eligibility: graduate and post-doctoral students, established researchers, and persons with informal experience in historical research studying nursing in circumpolar regions
    Website and Application Form:

     The VRE provides funding to qualified investigators for historical research and publication of topics related to outpost nursing with priority given to circumpolar regions defined as “North of 60 degrees parallel” for Canada.  Eligible applicants include: graduate and post-doctoral students, established researchers in nursing history, and persons with informal experience in historical research. Interested researchers should submit a one page letter of inquiry about the eligibility or appropriateness of potential topics to the Chair of the Awards Committee at least two months prior to the deadline for application.

  • Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
    CNIB Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship
    Amount: up to $12,500
    Eligibility: Doctoral students at a Canadian or foreign university or college researching in the field of vision loss in Canada

     see the Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship webpage

    Website and Application Form:

     The Ross C. Purse Doctoral Fellowship encourages and supports theoretical and practical research and studies at the postgraduate or doctoral level, in the field of vision loss in Canada.  The fellowship is awarded for research in the social sciences, engineering, or other fields of study that are immediately relevant to the field of vision loss. Applications will be considered from persons studying at a Canadian university or college, or at a foreign university where a commitment to work in the field of vision loss in Canada for at least two years can be demonstrated.  Preference will be given to graduates of a Canadian university or college.  Applicants must have achieved a high academic standing and must have demonstrated superior intellectual ability and judgment. Recipients may undertake paid employment with the permission of their supervisor of studies.  The Canadian National Institute for the Blind has officially changed its name to the CNIB to encompass research in all areas of vision and vision health.
    Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC)
    Amount: up to $6,000
    Eligibility: University-wide, graduate students who have accepted or currently hold one of the following Canada Graduate Scholarships: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (SSHRC), Alexander Graham Bell (NSERC), Frederick Banting and Charles Best (CIHR), or Vanier CGS

     See Website
    Website and Application Form:

    This award supports graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences abroad. It covers costs associated with travel, living and other expenses such as accommodation, meals, tuition, insurance and other necessary, non-research related costs during the research study period abroad. Costs directly related to the research must be covered by other funding sources.  To be eligible for this award, applicants must be in a discipline area supported by the granting agencies and must have accepted or currently hold one of the following Canada Graduate Scholarships: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (SSHRC), Alexander Graham Bell (NSERC), Frederick Banting and Charles Best (CIHR), or Vanier CGS.  Applicants must also be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada by the application deadline dates, be registered at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of application, undertake his/her proposed trip abroad no earlier than the competition deadline date, and not hold, or have held, any other CGS-MSFSS during the course of his/her graduate studies.

  • Mackenzie King Scholarship Trust
    Mackenzie King Scholarship
    Amount: $10,000 (amount is subject to change year to year)
    Eligibility: University-wide, graduate students who hold a degree from a Canadian institution
    Deadline:  See Website

    Website and Application Form:

     The scholarship is available to graduates of any Canadian university who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. Decision will be based on high academic achievements, personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant’s proposed program of study. International students are eligible, but they must already hold a Canadian degree (by the time their tenure of the scholarship would begin next academic year). For example, international students who come to Canada for their doctorate would not be eligible, but, if they have already completed a Canadian master’s degree, they are eligible.  Students apply to McMaster School of Graduate Studies which forwards to the Board of Scholarship Trustees a short-list of recommended candidates together with their applications.

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

    NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards
    Amount: minimum value of $5,625
    Eligibility: Undergraduate students in the faculty of Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, and ScienceDeadline: see NSERC-USRA

    webpage: and Application Form:

     Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are intended to stimulate interest in research in the natural sciences and engineering. They are also meant to encourage students to undertake graduate studies and pursue a research career in these fields. They help students to gain research work experience that complements studies in an academic setting.  Interested undergraduate students should apply to the department in which their research supervisor is appointed, which may not be the student’s home department. To be eligible to apply for an award, a student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; be registered, at the time of application, in a bachelor’s degree program at an eligible university; and have obtained, over the previous years of study, a cumulative average of at least second class (a grade of “B” or “B-,” if applicable) as defined by the university.
  • Prizes
    Canadian Psychological Association Awards
    Granting Institution: Canadian Psychological Association
    Amount: $100
    Eligibility: Graduate students
    Deadline: See Website
    Website and Application Form: For best undergraduate, masters and doctoral thesis in each Canadian Psychology Department for each academic year.  The list of recipients is published in the Fall issue of Psynopsis and on the CPA website. 

    Undergraduate Essay Prize
    Granting Institution: Society for the Social History of Medicine
    Amount: £100
    Eligibility: Undergraduate students in the humanities, social sciences, medicine, healthcare, and allied sciences

     see the Undergraduate Essay Prize
    Website and Application Form:

     Up to 6 prizes will be awarded for the best unpublished original research essays in the social history of medicine. To be eligible, candidates must be undergraduate students, part-time or full-time, in the humanities and social sciences, or medicine, healthcare and allied sciences. All candidates must join the Society for the Social History of Medicine by the date of submission.

    Roy Porter Student Essay Prize
    Granting Institution: Society for the Social History of Medicine
    Amount: £500
    Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students
    Deadline: see Roy Porter Student Essay Prize webpage

    Website and Application Form:

     This prize will be awarded to the best original, unpublished essay in the social history of medicine. To be eligible, candidates must be undergraduate or graduate students, part-time or full-time.  All candidates must join the Society for the Social History of Medicine by the date of submission.

  • Rhodes Trust

    Rhodes Scholarship
    Amount: Roughly $50,000 per year (includes tuition, college fees, and a stipend covering living expenses for two and possibly three years study at the University of Oxford)
    Eligibility: Undergraduate students university-wide in final year of study planning on attending graduate school

     To apply for the Rhodes Scholarship, students must first receive an Institutional Endorsement. To receive an Institutional Endorsement, McMaster students must submit an application to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships in the September of their final year of study. For further details as well as the application form for Institutional Endorsement, see Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. website:
    Website and Application Form:

     The Rhodes Scholarship entitles the winners to study at Oxford University in England for two and possibly three years commencing in October. Eleven Rhodes Scholarships are awarded to Canadians each fall (two in Ontario). Applicants for the Rhodes Scholarship must be on the Deans’ Honour List (a cumulative average of at least 10.5);except for medical students, have received an undergraduate degree before taking up the scholarship; be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident in Canada; and be between 18 and 24 years of age. Selection is made on the basis of school and college records without written examination.  The qualities which will be considered in making the selection are: literary and scholastic attainment; fondness and success in outdoor sports, qualities of truthfulness, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; exhibition of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in one’s contemporaries.  Qualities of both character and intellect are the most important requirements for a Rhodes Scholarship and these are what the Selection Committees will seek.  Financial need does not receive special consideration.
  • Royal Canadian Geographical Society

    The Royal Canadian Geographical Society Independent Research Grants
    Amount: up to $5,000
    Eligibility: Independent researchers, resident in Canada, undertaking projects in Canada

    Website and Application Form:

     The Royal Canadian Geographical Society supports research projects on geographical topics that further the mandate of the Society “to make Canada better known to Canadians and to the world.” Awards are restricted to projects that are undertaken in Canada, by Canadian residents and that address some element of the country’s geography.  This award is intended to support independent researchers.  Graduate students and employees of universities and colleges are explicitly excluded

    The Royal Canadian Geographical Society Graduate Research Scholarships
    Amount: up to $5,000
    Eligibility: Master’s and doctoral students in Canadian universities
    Website and Application Form:

     This scholarship is open to both Master’s and Doctoral students registered in a Canadian university. The geographical focus of the research is open to anywhere in Canada. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Students must be registered in a Canadian university, and must propose a research topic that addresses some substantive element of geography of Canada. The Scholarship will normally be awarded to a student (full-time or part-time) whose course work will be completed by the May following the application deadline.

    The Royal Canadian Geographical Society James Maxwell Human Geography Scholarship
    Amount: up to $6,000
    Eligibility: Students in a Master’s program with a thesis requirement at a Canadian university
    Website and Application Form:

     Applications are open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Students must be registered in a Master’s program with a thesis requirement at a Canadian university, and must propose a research topic that addresses some substantive element of human geography of Canada. Any Master’s program that allows for such a focus is acceptable. The Scholarship will normally be awarded to a student (full-time or part-time) whose course work will be completed by the May following the application deadline.

    The Royal Canadian Geographical Society James Bourque Northern Doctoral Scholarship
    Amount: up to $6,000
    Eligibility: Students in a Doctoral program with a thesis requirement at a Canadian university researching an element of the northern geography of Canada
    Website and Application Form:

     Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Students must be registered in a Doctoral program with a thesis requirement at a Canadian university, and must propose a research topic that addresses some substantive element of northern geography of Canada. Any Doctoral program that allows for such a focus is acceptable. The Scholarship will normally be awarded to a student (full-time or part-time) whose course work will be completed by the May following the application deadline.
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
    Peter Warren Travelling Scholarship
    Amount: up to $1,500
    Eligibility: Medical and surgical residents
    Deadline: See Website
    Website and Application Form:

     This award is meant to encourage post-graduate trainees in medicine to undertake research projects in the history of specialty medicine, the history of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and/or the history of post-graduate medical education in Canada, and to encourage the use of the Royal College historical and archival collections as a resource for scholarly work within the field of the history of medicine.  The scholarship is open to applicants from all medical and surgical disciplines recognized by the Royal College.  Applicants must be post-graduate trainees in a Canadian medical school who are undertaking a clearly defined project.

  • Wellcome Trust
    Research Fellowships in Humanities and Social Science
    Amount: Salary and research expenses for up to 3 years
    Eligibility: Postdoctoral scholars not in a tenured or otherwise long-term established post
    Deadline: See Website
    Website and Application Form:

    This scheme supports postdoctoral researchers in health-related humanities and social sciences who do not hold established academic posts. You can apply for a Research Fellowship if you’re a postdoctoral researcher who wants to carry out an extended period of research on your own project. You must not have a permanent contract, or a contract that will last longer than this fellowship. You should also: be based (or planning to be based) in the UK, Republic of Ireland or a low- or middle-income country and have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation.
    In most cases, applicants should have been awarded a PhD before they apply. 

    Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Doctoral Studentships
    Amount: All compulsory university and college fees at the UK/Irish home postgraduate student level, a set amount to cover conference travel, research expenses and, where justified, the cost of overseas fieldwork, and a student’s stipend for up to 3 years.
    Eligibility: Students wishing to pursue a doctoral degree at a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland in medical humanities.
    Deadline: See Website
    Website and Application Form:

    This scheme enables scholars to undertake up to three years of full-time research on a medical humanities topic leading to a doctoral degree at a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
     Strong preference is given to applicants intending to make a long-term academic career in the subject. Applicants should hold a Master’s degree in a subject that’s relevant to the Medical Humanities.  Applications must be sponsored by a senior member of the department, unit or institute, or a Medical Humanities grant holder (current or former), who would supervise if an award is made.

    Wellcome Trust Master’s Awards in Humanities and Social Science
    Amount: All compulsory university and college fees at the UK/Irish home postgraduate student level and a student’s stipend for 1 year
    Eligibility: Students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree at a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland in the history of medicine or medical humanities
    Deadline: See Website
    Website and Application Form:

     This scheme enables scholars to undertake basic training in research and methods through a one-year Master’s course in the History of Medicine or Medical Humanities. Strong preference is given to applicants intending to make a long-term academic career in the subject. Applicants should have a minimum of an excellent upper-second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. 

    Wellcome Trust Small Grants in Humanities and Social Science
    Amount: up to £5,000
    Eligibility: Experienced researchers (in an academic post or who possess a doctorate or clinical qualification and have established a research interest in the medical humanities) based in or travelling to the UK or Republic of Ireland carrying out a modest programme of study on a specific topic in the medical humanities
    Deadline: See Wesbite
    Website and Application Form:

     This scheme is for small-scale research projects, scoping exercises or meetings in the medical humanities, including projects in research resources. Research does not necessarily have to be historically grounded. These awards can support experienced researchers based in the UK and the Republic of Ireland who wish to carry out a modest programme of study on a specific topic in the medical humanities here or abroad. Applications may be made from scholars based outside the UK or the Republic of Ireland who wish to carry out a short-term period of research in one of these countries. Applicants must be based in, or travelling to, the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Experienced researchers in an established academic post will normally be expected to have written some publications in an appropriate field. Experienced researchers not in an established academic post are expected to possess a doctorate or clinical qualification and to have established a research interest in the medical humanities.

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