Medical Humanities & History Blogs

Blogs are the ephemera of medical humanities and can be personal, creative, and unusual.  As ephemera, they can appear and disappear quickly, we try to keep up. 

Medical Humanities & Medical History Blogs

  • America
    • History of Medicine in America – Content written by students enrolled in a course in the history of American medicine at Grinnell College.
    • Medicine, Health, and History – Blog of Paul Stepansky, a Yale-trained historian of ideas specializing in the history of American medicine and psychiatry.
  • Anatomy
  • Art, Literature, Film, and Graphic Medicine
  • Blogs Associated with Libraries, Archives, and Institutions
  • Bones
    • About Bone – Exploring bone, as it supports life and captures history.
  • Botany
  • Britain and Ireland
    • Digesting the Medical Past – Blog dedicated to research of Ian Miller, Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, University of Ulster focusing on the history of eating, the stomach, Irish diet, and prison force-feeding.
    • History of Medicine in Ireland Blog – A blog run by members of the Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, University College Dublin, highlighting research and events in the history of medicine and medical humanities in Ireland.
    • Panacea: Musings on the History of Medicine – Blog on the medical and social history of England by historian Samantha Sandassie.
    • The Cat’s Meat Shop – Blog on the social history of Victorian London.
  • Canada
    • Museum of Health Care – Blog for the Museum of Health Care at Kingston, Ontario.  Posts are written by museum staff and volunteers.
  • Disability
    • Langdon Down Museum of Learning Disability – Blog includes advertisements for activities at the museum as well as posts on the history of learning disability, the work of Dr. John Langdon Down, the Normansfield Hospital, and reflections of former hospital employees.
  • Early Modern Medicine
    • Dr. Alun Withey – Personal blog of historian of early modern medicine at the University of Exeter, Dr. Alun Withey.
    • Early Modern Medicine – A blog about bodies, medicine, and gender in the early modern period.
    • The Renaissance Mathematicus – A blog on the history of science in the early-modern period.
    • Early Medicine: The Wellcome Library – Expert articles on disease, disability, wellbeing and other subjects, and the holdings of the Wellcome Library relating to medicine and health in Europe before 1700.
  • Eugenics
    • Genotopia – Blog dedicated to eugenics and human perfection.
  • Food/Nutrition
    • Digesting the Medical Past – Blog dedicated to research of Ian Miller, Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, University of Ulster focusing on the history of eating, the stomach, Irish diet, and prison force-feeding.
    • The Old Foodie – Posts on food history.
    • The Recipes Project – An international group of scholars interested in the history of recipes, ranging from magical charms to veterinary remedies.
  • Gender
    • Early Modern Medicine – A blog about bodies, medicine, and gender in the early modern period.
    • Nursing Clio – An open access, peer-reviewed blog aimed at historians, health care workers, activists, students, and the general public that uses historical scholarship to examine contemporary issues on gender and medicine.
  • General History of Medicine
    • Somatosphere – A collaborative website covering the intersections of medical anthropology, science and technology studies, cultural psychiatry, psychology and bioethics.
    • The Health Culture – Personal blog of historian Jan Henderson.  Henderson is interested in how the practice of medicine has changed since the mid-20th century.  Posts focus on questions related to medicalization, healthism, psychopharmaceuticals, cosmetic surgery, inequality, neoliberalism, the sociology of health, and bioethics.
    • Wonders & Marvels: A Community for Curious Minds Who Love History, its Odd Stories, and Good Reads – A blog for specialists and non-specialists to post on topics of interest from the past with an emphasis on the history of medicine.
  • Important Figures in the History of Medicine
    • The Sloane Letters Blog – A blog highlighting the stories of patients, natural philosophers, and collectors found in the correspondence of Sir Hans Sloane, an eighteenth-century physician, botanist, and collector.
  • Medieval Manuscripts
  • Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience
    • Brain Blogger: History of Medicine – Blog dedicated to health, science, and the brain.
    • History of Emotions – Contributions by scholars, writers, and artists from around the world on all aspects of the historical and contemporary significance of feeling, passion, sentiment and emotion.
    • Hubbub – Hubbub is an international collective of social scientists, artists, humanities researchers, scientists, broadcasters, public engagement professionals and mental health experts.
    • H-Madness – History of madness, mental illness, and their treatment (history of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and clinical psychology and social work). Forum for researchers in the humanities and social sciences.
    • Medicine, Health, and History – Blog of Paul Stepansky, a Yale-trained historian of ideas specializing in the history of American medicine and psychiatry.
  • Science and Technology
    • H-Sci-Med-Tech – H-Net Network’s science, medicine, and technology blog is an ideal resource for graduate students, faculty, and scholars wanting to stay current with news and announcements in the field. Typical posts include calls for papers, links to relevant articles, funding opportunities, and book reviews.
    • Whewell’s Ghost – History and philosophy of general science.
    • Science Blog: British Library – A blog highlighting the activities of the British Library Science Team.
  • Sexology
  • Surgery/Anesthesia
  • Teaching in the History of Medicine
  • Vaccines
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