Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site (Québec City, Québec, Canada)

Hours: Varies by season. Visit website for schedule.

Location: Grosse Île, 48km east of Québec City, in the middle of the St. Lawrence River
Telephone: 1-888-773-8888 (toll free)
Access: Access by river from Berthier-sur-Mer with Les Croisières Lachance; airplane access with Air Montmagny
Website address: 

Grosse Île, located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River near Québec City, was a quarantine station for the port of Québec in the period 1832–1937, and was the main point of entry for many immigrants to Canada, including hundreds of thousands of Irish migrants fleeing famine in the 1840s. The historic site preserves the village and hospital sector, including the lazaretto, disinfection buildings, waiting rooms, and chapels, and offers a multimedia exhibit on the island’s history.

Archival material pertaining to the island is housed at Library and Archives Canada.

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