Grants For Visiting Libraries/Archives

Grants For Visiting Libraries/Archives

      • Science History Institute (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
        Long-Term Fellowship
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $26,000-$45,000
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, faculty
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        SHI offers several long-term fellowships for scholars studying the history and sociology of the chemical and molecular sciences, technologies, and industries, including those for junior and senior scholars.  Long-term fellows are in residence at SHI for the entire academic year (September–May).  All long-term fellows are provided with a cubicle, a computer, and a direct telephone line.  There are three kinds of long-term fellowships: one for senior scholars, one for new PhDs, and one for PhD candidates at the dissertation stage.  Post-doctoral fellowships receive $45,000 paid in monthly installments; Dissertation fellowships receive $26,000 paid in monthly installments.

        Short-Term Fellowships
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $3,000/month
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, faculty
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        SHI offers several short-term fellowships for researchers studying the history and sociology of the chemical and molecular sciences, technologies, and industries.  Short-term fellows are in residence at CHF for periods ranging from 1 to 4 months, according to their allocated fellowship.  The short-term fellowship year begins in September and ends the following August.  Short-term fellows are allocated a carrel in the Othmer Library’s reading room.  Wireless Internet access is available in the reading room.  Short-term fellowships are available to researchers whose work requires use of the collections housed at CHF.  Stipends are $3,000 per month.  No additional research or travel allowances are available.

        Short-Term Fellowships – Travel
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $750/week
        Eligibility: all researchers

        Website & application form:

        The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at SHI offers grants to assist with travel and accommodation expenses for researchers who wish to use its primary research collections for short-term research (periods of either one or two weeks).  SHI houses a wealth of resources in the history of chemistry and related sciences, technologies, and industries.  Travel grants are $750 per week and are intended to help defray the costs of travel and accommodation.  Scholars who do not stay for the full period for which they were awarded funds will receive prorated grants reflecting the amount of time they spent in residence. Travel grant applicants must reside more than 75 miles from Philadelphia to be eligible. No more than one travel grant per person per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) can be awarded.  Grants must be taken within one year of the award or the grantee must request an extension or reapply.  Applicants must demonstrate that their research requires the use of SHI’s primary research collections.  Applications to use secondary sources or materials easily available from other libraries or through interlibrary loans will not receive a travel grant.  There is no deadline for travel grant applications.  Travel grant applications can be submitted at any time and are assessed by an internal SHI review committee.

      • American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation (Leewood, KS, USA)Fellowship in the History of Family Medicine
        Location: Leawood, KS
        Amount: $2,000
        Eligibility: all researchers
        Deadline: March 31


        Website & application form: and

        The Center for the History of Family Medicine (CHFM) sponsors one Fellowship in the History of Family Medicine each year.  The Fellowship supports research using the collections of the CHFM to advance understanding and appreciation of the history of family medicine.  The Fellowship provides a grant in an amount of up to $2,000 to support travel, lodging and incidental expenses for conducting research at the Center for the History of Family Medicine.  Awards cover research conducted between June 1 and December 31 during the year in which the Fellowship is awarded.  We encourage interested researchers, including family physicians, other health professionals, historians, scholars, educators, scientists and others to apply for the Fellowship.  The proposed project may be on any subject relating to the history of general practice, family practice, or family medicine, its practitioners, and their role in health and health care in the United States.

      • Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
        The Alice Fisher Society Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $5,000
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, faculty

        Website & application form:

        The Alice Fisher Society Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing offers up to $5,000 to support research and ongoing collaboration with Center nurse historians.  The Fisher Fellowship is open to those with master’s and doctoral level preparation.

        Karen Buhler-Wilkerson Faculty Research Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $3,000
        Eligibility: faculty

        Website & application form:

        The Karen Buhler-Wilkerson Faculty Research Fellowship for Historical Research in Nursing 
        offers up to $3,000 to faculty from all disciplines from colleges and universities, to support historical research in nursing. Selection of faculty scholars will be based on evidence of preparation and/or teaching related to nursing. It is expected that the research and new materials produced by Buhler-Wilkerson scholars will help ensure the growth of scholarly work focused on the history of nursing. Recipients will participate in Center activities and will present their research at a Center seminar.

      • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library & Archives (Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA)
        The Sydney Brenner Research Scholarship
        Location: Cold Spring Harbor, NY
        Amount: $10,000
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, independent scholar
        Deadline: See Website


        Website & application form:

        The Sydney Brenner Research Scholarship
         is awarded each year to scholars and writers who seek to advance knowledge in the history of molecular biology, genetics, or biotechnology.  The recipient of the scholarship will have access to the extensive archival collections held in the recently established Genentech Center for the History of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.  Applicants should either be working toward a graduate degree in the history of science (in which case they should include a letter of reference from their thesis adviser) or show a record of publication in the field.  This scholarship offers a stipend of up to $10,000—the final amount depends on the Library’s annual endowment—to fund travel and other expenses associated with the use of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library and Archives collections.

      • College of Physicians of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
        F.C. Wood Institute for the History of Medicine Travel Grant
        Location: Philadelphia, PA
        Amount: $750/week
        Eligibility: all researchers
        Deadline: ongoing


        Website & application form:

        The F.C. Wood Institute for the History of Medicine at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
         offers grants to cover travel and lodging expenses for researchers who wish to use the College’s collection of texts, manuscripts, archives, images, artifacts, and specimens in the history of medicine for short-term research (1 to 2 weeks).  Grants are usually on the order of $750 per week and are intended to help defray the costs of travel and lodging.  Travel grant recipients will have access to the College’s collections.  Applicants must reside more than 75 miles from Philadelphia to be eligible.  No more than one travel grant per person per fiscal year (1 July to 30 June) will be awarded.  Travel grants are available to scholars and bona fide researchers.  Applications will be evaluated based on the cogency and strength of the proposal, relevance of the College collections, and the relevance of the researcher’s experience and credentials to the proposed research.  Please note that the Wood Institute supports artists, scholars, and other researchers, however, any commercial use of our collections must be negotiated with and approved by College staff.  Please make explicit in your proposal any intended commercial application of your work.

      • Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology, and MedicineAgnodike Research Travel FellowshipAmount: up to 1000€
        Eligibility: Scholars in the final stages of their doctoral research or in the early stages of their post-doctoral research but still within four years of receiving their PhD
        Deadline: see the website for the Commission on Women and Gender Studies in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine  

        Website and Application Form:  Description: This biannual research travel fellowship, named after the first female physician and midwife in ancient Greece, is intended to help cover the transportation and accommodation expenses of an early-career scholar conducting research in archives anywhere in the world.  To be eligible, applicants must be in the final stages of their doctoral research or in the early stages of their post-doctoral research but still within four years of receiving their PhD.  Eligibility is independent of gender, nationality, or the location of the applicant’s academic institution or site of research.  Applicants must be researching a topic related to women and gender studies in the history of science, technology and medicine.  Applicants must submit a cover letter, research proposal (1500 words or less), CV, and two letters of recommendation (one from PhD supervisor).  The research proposal should state a work plan for the research during the fellowship period and the required travel.  Applications must be submitted in English.  The awardee will be invited to present their research in the next symposium organized by the commission.  Send all inquiries about the Agnodike Fellowship to Dr. Donald Opitz, Secretary of the Commission,  Back to top

      • Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University (Boston, MA, USA)The Francis A. Countway Library Fellowship in the History of Medicine
        Location: Boston, MA
        Amount: $5,000
        Eligibility: undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral, independent scholar

        Website & application form:
        Through the Boston Medical Library, the Center for the History of Medicine offers annual fellowships to support research in the history of medicine.  The Francis A. Countway Library Fellowships in the History of Medicine provide stipends of up to $5,000 to support travel, lodging, and incidental expenses.  Besides conducting research, the fellow will submit a report on the results of his/her residency and may be asked to present a seminar or lecture at the Countway Library.  The fellowship proposal should demonstrate that the Countway Library has resources central to the research topic.  Preference will be given to applicants who live beyond commuting distance of the Countway.  The application, outlining the proposed project (proposal should not exceed five pages), length of residence, materials to be consulted, and a budget with specific information on travel, lodging, and research expenses, should be submitted, along with a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation, by the application deadline.
      • Archives for Women in Medicine Fellowships
        Location: Boston, MA
        Amount: $5,000
        Eligibility: undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral, independent scholar
        Deadline: March 15

        Website & application form: Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine will provide one $5,000 grant to support travel, lodging, and incidental expenses for a flexible research period, from July-June.  Foundation Fellowships are offered for research related to the history of women to be conducted at the Center for the History of Medicine at the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine.  Preference will be given to projects that deal specifically with women physicians or other health workers or medical scientists, but proposals dealing with the history of women’s health issues may also be considered.  Applicants should submit a proposal (no more than two pages) outlining the subject and objectives of the research project, length of residence, historical materials to be used, and a project budget (including travel, lodging, and research expenses), along with a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendations by March 15th 2014.  The fellowship proposal should demonstrate that the Countway Library has resources central to the research topic. to top

      • Cushing-Whitney Medical Library, Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA)
        Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Grant
        Location: New Haven, CT
        Amount: $1,500
        Eligibility: all researchers
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        The Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Grant 
        is available to historians, medical practitioners, and other researchers who wish to use the collections of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library.  In any given year the award is up to $1,500 for one week of research.  Funds may be used for transportation, housing, food, and photographic reproductions.  The award is limited to residents of the United States and Canada. to top

      • Edward Worth Library (Dublin, Ireland)
        Research Fellowships
        Location: Dublin
        Amount: €2,000
        Eligibility: undergraduate, graduate, independent scholar, post-doctoral

        Website & application form: Edward Worth Library, Dublin, offers a one month research fellowship to encourage research relevant to its collections.  The collection is particularly strong in three areas: early modern medicineearly modern history of science and, given that Worth was a connoisseur book collector interested in fine bindings and rare printing, the History of the Book.  Research does not, however, have to be restricted to these three key areas. to top

      • Huntington Library (San Marino, CA, USA)
        Fellowships at the Huntington
        Location: San Marino, CA
        Amount: $50,000
        Eligibility: post-doctoral

        Website & application form:
        The Huntington is an independent research center with holdings in British and American history, literature, art history, and the history of science and medicine.  The Library collections range chronologically from the eleventh century to the present and include seven million manuscripts, 420,000 rare books, 275,000 reference works, and 1.3 million photographs, prints, and ephemera.  The Burndy Library consists of some 67,000 rare books and reference volumes in the history of science and technology, as well as an important collection of scientific instruments.  Within the general fields listed above there are many areas of special strength, including: Middle Ages, Renaissance, 19th- and 20th-century literature, British drama, Colonial America, American Civil War, Western America, and California.  The Art Collections contain notable British and American paintings, fine prints, photographs, and an art reference library.  In the library of the Botanical Gardens is a broad collection of reference works in botany, horticulture, and gardening. to top

      • Lilly Library, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
        The Everett Helm Visiting Fellowships
        Location: Bloomington, Indiana
        Amount: $1,500
        Eligibility: undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral

        Website & application form: Everett Helm Visiting Fellowship program supports research and provides access to the collections of the Lilly Library for scholars residing outside the Bloomington area.  Project proposals should demonstrate that the Lilly Library’s resources are integral to proposed research topics.  Candidates are encouraged to inquire about the appropriateness of a proposed topic before applying.  Successful applicants will receive an award of up to $1,500 in support of travel, living, and/or research expenses.  Awards must be used within one year of the award date and recipients must reside in Bloomington during the period of their awards.  There is no special application form.  Applicants are asked to submit a brief research proposal, not to exceed three pages.  The proposal should (a) emphasize the relationship of the Lilly collections to the project, (b) include the length and preferred dates of the visit and (c) a budget specific to this research proposal which includes travel costs, living and research expenses, and any other source of financial support for this research trip.  Applicants are also asked to submit a résumé and, for graduate students or other researchers whose résumés do not include a list of publications in their fields of research, two confidential letters of recommendation.

      • Mendel Fellowships
        Location: Bloomington, Indiana
        Amount: up to $40,000
        Eligibility: doctoral students, post-doctoral

        Website & application form:

        The Lilly Library of Indiana University invites applications for fellowships of up to $40,000 during the academic year in support of research in the library’s Bernardo Mendel collections, as noted below.  Established through a bequest by the estate of Johanna Lenz Mendel in 1998, the Mendel Fellowships are intended to support research by scholars from around the world in areas of particular interest to the Mendels, including: the history of the Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the Americas; voyages, travels and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography; German literature and history; and music, including sheet music.  The amount of the stipend is based on the length of stay, which may range from one week to a full academic year.  The fellowship is intended to cover travel to the Lilly Library and living expenses while in residence.  There is no special application form: Candidates, ranging from doctoral research students to senior scholars, should submit a curriculum vitae, a 2-3 page proposal for their projects, including the specific holdings they intend to consult, two letters of recommendation, and an indication of length of stay, which may include the summer months.Back to top

      • New York Academy of Medicine (New York, NY, USA)
        The Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine
        Location: New York City
        Amount: $5,000
        Eligibility: all researchers

        Website & application form:

        The Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine
         supports research using NYAM library resources for scholarly study of the history of medicine.  Each Klemperer fellow receives a stipend of $5,000 to support travel, lodging and incidental expenses.  It is intended specifically for a scholar in residence at the NYAM Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health.  The Klemperer Fellow is expected to spend at least four weeks in New York City, working at The New York Academy of Medicine.  Fellows are required to present a seminar at NYAM, and to submit a final report on work done at the NYAM Library by the end of the award period.  We invite applications from anyone, regardless of citizenship, academic discipline, or academic status.  Preference will be given to (1) those whose research will take advantage of resources that are uniquely available at NYAM, and (2) individuals in the early stages of their careers. to top

      • Ontario Jewish Archives (Toronto, ON, Canada)
        Dr. Stephen Speisman Bursary
        Location: Toronto, ON
        Amount: $500
        Eligibility: all researchers

        Website & application form:

        The Archives offers the Dr. Stephen Speisman Bursary, which provides financial assistance to individuals who are working on a thesis, scholarly article, or book in the area of Ontario Jewish history that demonstrates the records held at the OJA are integral to their work.  A grant of up to $500 will be awarded each year to one or more researchers to help with the some of the costs incurred while conducting research at the OJA, such as travel expenses, photocopying, and off-site retrieval costs.  The application form is available online.



      • Osler Library (Montreal, QC, Canada)
        The Dr. Edward H. Bensley Osler Library Research Travel Grant
        Location: Montreal, QC
        Amount: $4,000           
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        The Dr. Edward H. Bensley Osler Library Research Travel Grant
         is available to historians, physicians, graduate and post-doctoral students, and to those interested in the arts and humanities of medical history whose project requires them to travel to Montreal to consult material in the Osler Library.  Each year up to $4,000 in awards will be made to one or more individuals who require a minimum of 2 weeks to carry out their research in the calendar year in which the grant is awarded.
      • Mary Louise Nickerson Fellowship in Neuro History

        Location: Montreal, QC
        Amount: $10,000
        Eligibility: graduate, post-doctoral, independent scholar
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        The Mary Louise Nickerson Fellowship in Neuro History
         will allow a scholar to carry out research utilizing the Neuro History archival and artifact collections, the centre piece of which is the Penfield Archive in the Osler Library, and other resources available at the Osler Library, the Montreal Neurological Institute and the McGill University Archives.  Value varies depending on the project, to a maximum of $10,000.  More than one fellowship may be awarded during each fiscal year.  May be renewable.  Applications are invited from a variety of individuals, including graduate students, scholars and professionals.  Preference will be given to applicants spending at least one month in Montreal and who take advantage of the rare and unique materials held in the Osler Library and McGill University.  Fellows are required to submit a report of their work suitable for publication in the Osler Library Newsletter and may be requested to give a brief presentation at the University.

      • Dr. Dimitrije Pivnicki Award in Neuro and Psychiatric History
        Location: Montreal, QC
        Amount: $4,000
        graduate, post-doctoral, independent scholar
        Deadline: see website

        Website & application form:

        The Award in Neuro and Psychiatric History
         is offered by the Osler Library and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Library to support research in the fields of neuro-history and the history of psychiatry.  The award supports a student or scholar wishing to carry out research utilizing the rich archival and monographic holdings at McGill University, such as the Penfield Archive in the Osler Library, and other resources available at the Osler Library, the Montreal Neurological Institute and the McGill University Archives.  The award is open to students at McGill University as well as external students and researchers.  The value varies depending on the project, to a maximum of approximately $4,000.  The award may be renewable.  Applications are invited from a variety of individuals, including graduate students, scholars and professionals.  Recipients are required to submit a report of their work suitable for publication in the Osler Library Newsletter and may be requested to give a brief presentation at the University.

      • Rubenstein Library, Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)
        History of Medicine Travel Grants
        Location: Durham, NC
        Amount: $1,000
        Eligibility: undergraduate, graduate, independent scholar, post-doctoral

        Website & application form:

        The History of Medicine Collections
         offers research grants of up to $1,000 to researchers whose work would benefit from access to the historical medical collections at the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.  Faculty, graduate or undergraduate students and independent scholars with a research project requiring the use of materials held by the History of Medicine Collections are eligible.  All applicants must reside outside of a 100-mile radius of Durham, NC. to top

      • Sophia Smith Collection (Northampton, MA, USA)
        Travel-to-Collections Funds
        Location: Northampton, MA
        Amount: $1,000
        Eligibility: all researchers
        Deadline: February 15

        Website & application form:

        awards are offered to offset travel expenses for researchers in Special Collections at Smith College: including the College Archives, Mortimer Rare Book Collection, and Sophia Smith Collection. We also welcome and encourage requests from those at the pre-proposal stage who would like to survey our holdings before they formulate their research agendas. Awards may be as much as $1,000 to support shorter researcher visits.

        Proposals should describe (1) the research to be undertaken and its relationship to current research in the field (e.g., basic historiography), (2) the collection holdings to be consulted and their significance to the work, and (3) the current status of the project as well as schedule for completing it. These grants do not cover research-related costs, e.g., reproduction fees. Applications for all funds will be reviewed once each year. Applications should be sent via email or postmarked by February 15th. Awards will be announced April 1st. Applicants should address their materials to: Research Support Program, Special Collections, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063 or email to Research Services Archivist, Amy Hague:

      • U.S. National Library of Medicine (Bethesda, MD, USA)
        Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine
        Location: Bethesda, MD
        Amount: up to $10,000
        Eligibility: Individuals over the age of 18 of any academic discipline or status.  Non-U.S. citizens may apply.
        Deadline: See website

        Website and Application Form:

        Michael E. DeBakey (1908-2008) was an American surgeon, educator, and medical statesman.  The Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine will support individuals in pursuing research in NLM’s Michael E. DeBakey papers, related collections held by the NLM, and the vast range of subjects which informed, or were informed by, Michael E. DeBakey’s professional career — from surgery to health care policy, medical libraries and expanding access to medical information, medical technology to medical ethics, military medicine to veteran health, humanitarianism to international diplomacy in the medical arena.  The fellowship is intended to help offset the costs of visiting and using the NLM collections. Eligible applicants must be individuals over the age of 18 of any academic discipline or status.  Non-U.S. citizens may apply.  Applicants must submit a CV, an abstract of the proposed project, a brief bibliography, a budget of travel and other expenses, proof of health insurance, a copy of academic transcript, and two letters of support.  This fellowship is funded by a gift by The DeBakey Medical Foundation.  It is administered by the National Library of Medicine and the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences. Back to top

      • Wood Library Museum (Schaumburg, IL, USA)
        Paul M. Wood Fellowship in Anesthesiology
        Location: Schaumburg, IL
        Amount: $500 + more for individuals who must travel more than 100 miles
        Eligibility: all researchers

        Website & application form:  

        The Board of Trustees of the Wood Library-Museum created the Wood Library-Museum Fellowship in Anesthesiology to provide recipients with financial support for up to three weeks of scholarly and historical research at the Wood Library-Museum pertaining to the specialty of anesthesiology.  Applications are invited from anesthesiologists, residents in training in anesthesiology, physicians in other disciplines, historians, graduate students of the history of medicine and other individuals with a developed interest in the history of anesthesia or library and museum research.  Fellows will receive a grant of $500 to support their work.  In addition, individuals who must travel more than 100 miles to the WLM will receive funds for airfare equal to one round-trip economy class trip by air to and from their residence.  Travel support shall be paid only for travel within the United States with the exception that members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists residing in Canada or Mexico are also eligible for travel assistant to and from their homes.  Fellows who are obliged to stay in commercial lodging near the WLM during the term of their fellowship shall be eligible for per diem support of $250/day for a period not to exceed fifteen working days. to top

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