How to Use This Website
This Portal is designed to support students and independent researchers at all levels to explore the medical humanities, particularly the history of medicine.- Students in health sciences, humanities, art, social sciences, science, professional schools, who wish to research their own topic, create a digital module, write a conference paper, present at a conference, or add their thoughts to a blog.
- Faculty and secondary school teachers will find images, texts, articles, and material for curricular activities at all levels, especially in the city of Hamilton.
- Physicians, Ph.D. students, MD residents, and others who wish to undertake a substantial research project will find archives, libraries, museums, and digital resources to begin work.
Find Your Sources:
Libraries, Archives, Museums, Digital Collections
The McMaster Library Collections page provides a description of archives, libraries, museums, and digitized collections on the McMaster University Campus. Browse to find out more!
The Library, Archives, and Museum Collections page has thematic listings of archives, libraries, museums, and digitized collections in the history of medicine from around the world. We include the largest collections, specialized collections, digital collections, and special areas on Canada and Canadian History. An Aboriginal Health area will be added in 2018.
How to Pay for My Research Trip?
The Grants for Student Research page lists grants offered by McMaster University, by libraries and archives, by professional and scholarly associations, and by government in support of individual research projects in the history of medicine and medical humanities.
How to Get Started?
Thematic modules and blogs are here for you to browse for ideas and inspiration,
- Graphic Medicine a new art form, applies comics and graphic novel format to the experiences of health care professionals, patients, caregivers, and others
- History of Medicine Digital Exhibits thematically-organized exhibits on the web in a variety of subjects
- Medical Humanities and Medical History Blogs informal blogs of all kinds with book reviews, cartoons, articles, and personal reflections
- History of the Health Professions
- Hospitals, Institutions, and Medical Education
- The Public’s Health
- Blood, Leeches, and Quacks
- Arts, Literature, and Ethics
- Technology and Science