Worshipful Society of Apothecaries (London, United Kingdom)

Hours: by appointment

Location: Apothecaries’ Hall, Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6EJ
Contact: archives@apothecaries.org
Access: by appointment only
Website address: http://www.apothecaries.org/

The Society was incorporated as a City Livery Company in 1617.  Its Hall (dating from 1668-72), archives, and artefacts also record and reflect its activities as a major centre for manufacturing and retailing drugs (1671-1922), founder of Chelsea Physic Garden in 1673 and medical examining and licensing body from 1815.  The Collection is made up of paintings, silverware, furniture and a range of pharmaceutical, medical and other artefacts which have associations with the Society and its work.  The Collection also includes some special collections of historical importance, as well as the Society’s extensive Archives, together with the Library and a selection of rare books.

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