Semmelweiss Museum, Library and Archive of the History of Medicine (Budapest, Hungary)

Hours: Vary by day and season, check website for details

Location: Apród utca 1-3, H-1013 Budapest
Telephone: +36 (1) 375-3533
Access: Archival research may be conducted by appointment only

The collection of the Semmelweiss museum and library is based on the private library and museum of the Royal Association of Budapest Physicians, founded in 1837. The museum and library are home to over 50,000 items, including medical and surgical tools from ancient times to the 21st century, artwork, commemorative coins, wax moulages of human and pathological anatomy, and items relating to anthropology and folk medicine. The library houses 16th–18th century texts on medicine and medical thought, as well as a large number of 19th and 20th-century documents in German, Latin, and Hungarian.

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