McMaster Graduate Student Grants

McMaster Graduate Student Grants

      • Drs. Jolie Ringash and Glen Bandiera Renaissance Award
        Granting Institution: McMaster University
        Amount: Up to $25,000 (as per proposed budget)
        Eligibility: University-wide, undergraduate, graduate, professional
        Website and Application Form:

         The award, with its emphasis on experiential learning, is intended to create transformative opportunities for students from all faculties and programs, from undergraduate to graduate and professional. The recipient of the award shall be an individual who wishes to engage in a 4-12 month, self-directed, enrichment experience, outside their chosen program of study, and wishes to explore a project of personal significance that will amplify the recipient’s university experience while engaging in experiential learning at home or abroad. The goal of the award is to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange which may ultimately lead to societal benefit. Each applicant should propose a unique experience outside his/her usual field of study, outline the details of this experience (timeline, budget, supervision, outcomes), and explain why it will enhance the applicant’s future career or societal contribution. Applicant must have full-time status as an undergraduate, graduate, or professional student at McMaster. The project must take place during the academic career or directly after. Undergraduate applicants must have completed a minimum of 30 units. Undergraduate students must have a minimum Fall/Winter Sessional Average of 10.0 or a cumulative average of 9.5. Graduate students must have a minimum cumulative average of 10.0. Medical students must be in good standing.

      • GSA Travel Assistance Grant
        Granting Institution: McMaster Graduate Students Association
        Amount: up to $500
        Eligibility: University-wide, graduate students
        Website and Application Form:

         Travel Assistance Grants are intended to enable graduate students to travel to conferences to present or undertake research relevant to their field of study. Applications will be assessed on the basis of a clear explanation of how the proposed travel will add to the applicant’s academic development. Applicants must be a full-time student in either a Master’s or Doctoral graduate program.

      • Harvey E. Longboat Graduate Scholarship for First Nation, Inuit and Metis Students
        Granting Institution: McMaster University
        Amount: $15,000
        Eligibility: First Nation, Inuit, or Métis graduate students, university-wide
        Website and Application Form:

         The School of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Indigenous Studies Program and the President’s Committee on Indigenous Issues, will award the scholarship annually to a First Nation, Inuit, or Métis student who has demonstrated high academic achievement and exceptional promise in community leadership. Consideration may also be given to scholars who have demonstrated mentorship to other Indigenous students, or who have served as mentors within First Nation, Inuit, or Métis communities, or more broadly to advance Indigenous education.  Preference will be given to full-time students entering a graduate program.  Previous award winners may apply again in subsequent years.

      • Mackenzie King Scholarship
        Granting Institution: Mackenzie King Scholarship Trust
        Amount: $10,000 (amount is subject to change year to year)
        Eligibility: University-wide, graduate students who hold a degree from a Canadian institution
        Website and Application Form:

         The scholarship is available to graduates of any Canadian university who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. Decision will be based on high academic achievements, personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant’s proposed program of study. International students are eligible, but they must already hold a Canadian degree (by the time their tenure of the scholarship would begin next academic year). For example, international students who come to Canada for their doctorate would not be eligible, but, if they have already completed a Canadian master’s degree, they are eligible.  Students apply to McMaster School of Graduate Studies which forwards to the Board of Scholarship Trustees a short-list of recommended candidates together with their applications.

      • Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC)
        Granting Institution: CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC (administered by McMaster University)
        Amount: up to $6,000
        Eligibility: University-wide, graduate students who have accepted or currently hold one of the following Canada Graduate Scholarships: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (SSHRC), Alexander Graham Bell (NSERC), Frederick Banting and Charles Best (CIHR), or Vanier CGS
        Website and Application Form:

        This award supports graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences abroad. It covers costs associated with travel, living and other expenses such as accommodation, meals, tuition, insurance and other necessary, non-research related costs during the research study period abroad. Costs directly related to the research must be covered by other funding sources.  To be eligible for this award, applicants must be in a discipline area supported by the granting agencies and must have accepted or currently hold one of the following Canada Graduate Scholarships: Joseph-Armand Bombardier (SSHRC), Alexander Graham Bell (NSERC), Frederick Banting and Charles Best (CIHR), or Vanier CGS.  Applicants must also be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada by the application deadline dates, be registered at an eligible Canadian institution at the time of application, undertake his/her proposed trip abroad no earlier than the competition deadline date, and not hold, or have held, any other CGS-MSFSS during the course of his/her graduate studies.

      • Rhodes Scholarship
        Granting Institution: Rhodes Trust
        Amount: Roughly $50,000 per year (includes tuition, college fees, and a stipend covering living expenses for two and possibly three years study at the University of Oxford)
        Eligibility: Undergraduate students university-wide in final year of study planning on attending graduate school
        Deadline: To apply for the Rhodes Scholarship, students must first receive an Institutional Endorsement. To receive an Institutional Endorsement, McMaster students must submit an application to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships in the September of their final year of study. For further details as well as the application form for Institutional Endorsement, see
        Website and Application Form:

         The Rhodes Scholarship entitles the winners to study at Oxford University in England for two and possibly three years commencing in October. Eleven Rhodes Scholarships are awarded to Canadians each fall (two in Ontario). Applicants for the Rhodes Scholarship must be on the Deans’ Honour List (a cumulative average of at least 10.5);except for medical students, have received an undergraduate degree before taking up the scholarship; be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident in Canada; and be between 18 and 24 years of age. Selection is made on the basis of school and college records without written examination.  The qualities which will be considered in making the selection are: literary and scholastic attainment; fondness and success in outdoor sports, qualities of truthfulness, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; exhibition of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in one’s contemporaries.  Qualities of both character and intellect are the most important requirements for a Rhodes Scholarship and these are what the Selection Committees will seek.  Financial need does not receive special consideration.

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