
American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting

The American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM), founded in 1925, is a professional association of historians, physicians, nurses, archivists, curators, librarians, and others.  The AAHM promotes and encourages research, study, writing, and interest in the history of medicine including the history of public health, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and allied arts, sciences, and professions.
The next meeting of the AAHM will be April 25-28, 2019 in Columbus, OH, and May 7-10, 2020 in Ann Arbor, MI. Registration for the annual meeting is open to everyone, however, members receive a discounted rate.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

Eligible medical students, graduate students, and independent scholars who have a paper or poster accepted for the meeting can apply for a travel grant from AAHM to attend the conference.

Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Annual Conference

The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) promotes the study, research and communication of the history of health and medicine in all of its facets. Since its founding meeting in 1950 at the Université Laval, Quebec, the CSHM/SCHM has drawn its members from a broad range of intellectual perspectives in the humanities and health sciences.

The CSHM annual conference is held in late May/early June in conjunction with the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities.

The next annual conference is yet to be announced. Those attending or presenting at the CSHM annual conference must register and pay conference fees for both the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities and the CSHM conference.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

History of Medicine Days – University of Calgary

The History of Medicine Days is an annual, two-day conference held at the University of Calgary. 
This conference invites undergraduate and early graduate students from across Canada and the United States to submit oral presentations of 10-12 minutes or poster presentations of 2-3 minutes.

Presentations can be on a variety subject areas such as classics, public health, nursing, veterinary medicine, human biology, or neuroscience. Prizes will be awarded in different categories at the Awards Banquet on the final evening of the conference.

Registration (required) is free and is open to all who are interested.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

Annual History of Medicine Day – University of Alberta

This annual event showcases student research from a variety of disciplines and themes related to the history of medicine. Topics may include: the body, cultures of medicine and healing, health policies and politics, medical institutions, drugs and therapies, disease, and biographies.

This event is sponsored by: the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; the Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta; Associated Medical Services, Inc.; and the Alberta Medical Foundation.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

The Society for the Social History of Medicine

Since 1970, the Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) has pioneered inter-disciplinary approaches to the history of health, welfare, medical science and practice. 

The SSHM organizes at least two conferences per year. Among the conferences organized by the Society is a major, biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference. Upcoming SSHM Events are listed here.

The Society’s conferences are open to everyone however members are entitled to reduced registration fees.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health

The European Association for the History of Medicine and Health (EAHMH) aims to foster research and the international exchange of views on all issues concerning health and medicine in Europe and their connections with the extra-European world.

The EAHMH organizes a biennial conference on the history of medicine and health, bringing together scholars from across the world.

The conference is open to everyone however members are entitled to reduced registration fees.
The next conference is yet to be announced. 

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences

The European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS) is an international organization which connects curators, scholars, and stakeholders who are professionally active or interested in medical history collections and museums.

The EAMHMS organizes a biennial Congress. The next Congress will be take place in Barcelona, from September 19th – 22nd 2018 Registration is open to everyone.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

British Society for the History of Medicine

The British Society for the History of Medicine (BSHM) is an umbrella organization which brings together medical history societies and museums from across the United Kingdom to promote the study of the history of medicine.

The BSHM organizes a biennial Congress. The next Congress will be 11th-14th September 2019 at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, in Bristol.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

The Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Sciences (SAHMS) aims to promote awareness of the importance of the history of medicine and science at colleges and universities in the American South.

The SAHMS organizes an annual conference to provide a means of sharing and exchanging research and ideas related to the history of medicine, science, and technology. The conference encourages discussion between MD and PhD scholars.

The conference is open to all. In recent years, scholars from across North America as well as Europe, the Middle East, and Asia have attended the conference.  Membership is included in the registration fee for the annual conference.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.  

Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science/Société canadienne d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences

The CSHPS/SCHPS is an interdisciplinary forum bringing together scholars interested in exploring all aspects of science, past and present.

The CSHPS/SCHPS annual conference is held in late May/early June in conjunction with the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities.

The next annual conference is yet to be announced. Those attending or presenting at the CSHPS/SCHPS annual conference must register and pay conference fees for both the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities and the CSHPS/SCHPS conference.  All presenters must be members of the CSHPS/SCHPS at the time of the meeting.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

Every four years, the CSHPS/SCHPS also takes part in a joint meeting with the British Society for the History of Science and the History of Science Society. The next joint meeting is yet to be announced. Registration is open to everyone, however, members of the three societies receive a discounted rate.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

Société Internationale d’Histoire de la Médecine

The Société Internationale d’Histoire de la Médecine/International Society for the History of Medicine (ISHM) aims to support historical research in the medical and biomedical sciences and all branches of the healing arts.

The ISHM sponsors and oversees a biennial international congress in the history of medicine.
Registration is open to everyone however members of the ISHM receive a discounted rate.
The next congress of the ISHM will be in Lisbon, Portugal from September 3-7, 2018.

Please visit the website for information regarding upcoming calls for papers.

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