Mackie Family History of Neuroscience Collection (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hours: Vary by season, see website

Location: University of Calgary, 410 University Court NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Contact: 403-220-6855
Access: must bring photo ID, need approval to work in the History of Medicine room

The Mackie Family History of Neuroscience Collection is an outstanding addition to Libraries and Cultural Resources and is found in the History of Medicine room in the Health Sciences Library, although some volumes for conservation reasons, reside in Special Collections at the Taylor Family Digital Library.  This collection of nearly 2500 books and journal articles spans over 350 years in the development of neuroscience and is of national and international significance.  The earliest volume is Jean Fernel’s De Abditis Rerum Causis Libri Duo. Editio postrema, published in 1560 by Andream Wechel, Paris.  Other highlights include Rene Descartes’s classic 1662 work, De Homine, and the rare first neurological text, Cerebri Anatome, published in 1662, written by Thomas Willis, the “Father of Neurology” and illustrated by Christopher Wren.

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