Jenner Museum/Dr Jenner’s House (Gloucestershire, United Kingdom)

Hours: Vary by season, see website

Location: Church Lane, Berkeley, Gloucestershire GL13 9BN, United Kingdom
Contact: + 44 (0)1453 810 631,
Access: Admission charge for museum, contact about research
Website address: 

Dr Jenner’s House holds a varied collection of items connected with Jenner, his family life and his scientific work.  An extensive archive also contains images, documents and artefacts relating to Jenner, his legacy, and specifically about the World Health Organization smallpox eradication campaign.  We have digitised several items in our collection including some of the most popular and significant artefacts. 

Visitors to Dr Jenner’s House have the opportunity to roam the rooms where Jenner lived and worked.  On display are several publications of Jenner’s groundbreaking research titled ‘An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae; a Disease Discovered in some of the Western Counties of England, Particularly Gloucestershire, and Known by the Name of The Cow Pox’.  The Eradication Room documents the journey of smallpox vaccination.  From historical campaigns both for and against the process, right up to the work of The World Health Organization’s global campaign to deliver Jenner’s wish to finally rid the world of smallpox.

As well as being a prominent doctor and scientist, Dr Jenner had a great love of horticulture and botany.  In his garden at The Chantry he planted a wide variety of medicinal herbs and experimented with a range of growing techniques.  Today we have reinstated many of the herbs that he grew in our herb garden.

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